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Wesley's Place

@ the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus

A Faith Community connecting people with God and with each other
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A bunch of imperfect people working to connect with God and each other to make the world a better place for everyone.          We seek guidance from:


Jesus is the Son of God.  He serves as our example of how to live, serve, grow, and love.  Our goal is to follow the life, teachings, and example of Jesus in all we do.


God is the Creator of all things.  God has a plan for our lives to help each other.  God is awesome!


God's agent of change in the world.  We cannot see it, but we can see the effects of it.


Connect people with God and with each other through worship and service

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Our work


We work on improving our world every month in neighborhoods such as Elmwood Village, Allentown, the Fruit Belt, and Buffalo/ Niagara Medical Campus.


Check the Calendar for up to date opportunities to help others!


God asks us to make our world a better place by helping each other without expecting anything in return. 


The Holy Spirit encourages us to help others even when we really do not want to.


Jesus modeled, taught, and led with action in serving others.


The Bible reminds us to care for each other and make the world a better place:

*Based on the Gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the grace of God- I Peter 4:10

*The Son of God did not come to be served, but to serve- Mark 10:45

*What does the Lord require of you?  To seek justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God- Micah 6:8

Get involved!

Coming to a neighborhood near you:



Refresh- A student ministry for medical students at the

University at Buffalo Medical School.  We gather weekly

from noon to 1 pm.  Each week we rotate from praise and

prayer, Bible study, guest speakers, and faith sharing.  Get

involved by praying for this unique ministry or provide a meal!


Oishei Children's Hospital- Weekly visitation for patients,

family, and staff on the 12th floor.  Support this ministry

by attending seasonal worship services in the hospital

Chapel and activities planned for the patients!



Socks from a Savior- An outreach to displaced people in the

city of Buffalo that was started by an 8 year old at Wesley's

Place.  We make, accept, and distribute socks, hats, and

headbands around the city of Buffalo.


U2Charist- The modern music of U2, God's meal offered to

all, and learning about immigration in Western New York.

Check back for dates and locations.


Stop Hunger Now- A meal packaging event to help fight

hunger on the global level.  Our goal this year is to package

over 10,000 meals at one single event!  Check back for

dates and location.



Mailing Address:

5681 Main St.

Buffalo, NY 14221


Tel: 716.218.8273

Online giving coming soon!


Check out the needs and wish list!


Like us on Facebook!

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